Pocket 2 Poker

There was no hand for hand mode activated and pretty much all tables had several players using their time banks. Eventually, it was Marco Baldini who bowed out and that should have spelled the end for Day 1a. However, the active hands were still running and another massive pot was brewing.
- Pocket Pairs Below Jacks Example:9♠ 9♥, 8♣ 8♦ Playing the tight-aggressive style preached in the article How to Crush Live $1/$2 No-Limit Hold'em, all of these hands are playable with no raise or a single raise (especially with multiple callers) for set value.
- The game of poker is a card game played among two or more players for several rounds. There are several varieties of the game, but they all tend to have these aspects in common: The game begins with each player putting down money allocated for betting. During each round of play, players are dealt cards from a standard 52-card deck, and the goal of each player is to have the best 5-card hand at.
Joao Simao raised to 325,000 and Dominykas Mikolaitis three-bet to 1,440,000 out of the big blind. Simao used more than 60 seconds of his time bank before jamming for more than 10.9 million and Mikolaitis beat him into the pot.

Pocket 2 Poker Game
Joao Simao:
Dominykas Mikolaitis:
The board ran out and just like that, the above-average stack of Simao vanished into thin air as he departed in 89th place.

Pocket 2 Poker Room
Event Highlights. Endrit Geci Wins the 2021 partypoker MILLIONS Online $5,300 Main Event for $774,838 3 days 21 hours ago. Francisco Correia Eliminated in 2nd Place ($731,960.) 3 days 21 hours ago.