What Is Sevenfold Bet
What Is Sevenfold Bet Average ratng: 5,4/10 3290 reviews
- What Is Sevenfold Bethel
- What Is Sevenfold Beta
- What Is A Sevenfold Bet William Hill
- What Is 7 Fold Bet
A permutation wager that involves a total of 57 bets on six selections (15 doubles, 20 trebles, 15 fourfolds, 6 fivefolds and 1 sixfold). The Super Heinz is a bet on seven selections taking part in various events consisting of 21 doubles, 35 trebles, 35 fourfolds, 21 fivefolds, seven sixfolds, and a sevenfold accumulator which totals a huge 120 bets. Sevenfold Accumulator: A sevenfold accumulator is one bet on seven selections. All seven selections must be successful to have a return. Lucky 63: A Lucky 63 is similar to a Heinz but also has singles. It consists of sixty-three bets on six selections in different events i.e. 6 singles, 15 doubles, 20 trebles, 15 fourfold accumulators, 6.
A Seven-fold bet is a kind of accumulator that works with 8 different event selections.

When you choose 8 different events and you make a choice of seven-fold as accumulator, the system automatically arranges all 8 events in a number of places the combination of any 7 of the 8 events.
Games A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H
What Is Sevenfold Bethel
A*B*C*D*E*F*H ....Odds product for all 7 selections multiplied by your stake = winnings for this combination
A*B*C*D*F*G*H ....Odds product for all 7 selections multiplied by your stake = winnings for this combination
A*B*C*E*F*G*H ...... Odds product for all 7 selections multiplied by your stake = winnings for this combination
A*B*D*E*F*G*H ....... Odds product for all 7 selections multiplied by your stake = winnings for this combination
A*C*D*E*F*G*H ....... Odds product for all 7 selections multiplied by your stake = winnings for this combination
What Is Sevenfold Beta
B*C*D*E*F*G*H ........ Odds product for all 7 selections multiplied by your stake = winnings for this combination

A*B*C*D*E*G*H ........ Odds product for all 7 selections multiplied by your stake = winnings for this combination
What Is A Sevenfold Bet William Hill
A*B*C*D*E*F*G ........ Odds product for all 7 selections multiplied by your stake = winnings for this combination
What Is 7 Fold Bet
Please bear in mind that your stake will be charged separately for each combination so if you enter N50 in the stake box, your total stake would be N400 (N50 X 8 possible combinations)
You must get the predictions for at least 7 games correctly for you to get a return.
Tags: bets, Combination bets, Seven-fold